Piercing evokes all sorts of emotions within us and society still frowns upon it and deplores the practice thereof. Personal expression of this kind is a cultural phenomenon associated with the individual’s need to express him or herself in a culturally diverse and hybrid society (globalisation) - the coming together of cultures and groupings (collisions) and their social behaviour patterns and beliefs - the creolization of cultures

Modelling the prototype in C clay.  I wish to focus my attention on Body Piercing as an extension of my present research into body modification, scarification and tattoos referencing literary sources such as “Written on the Body” by Jane Caplan. The work will be a continuation of the Tattooed Rats series (follow link to Why Rats); however additions of piercing (actual piercing jewellery) will bring the focus on contemporary society’s fascination with body adornment, in a changing global society. The practice has its roots in indigenous knowledge; traditional culture rituals and was specifically associated with initiation ritual practices and rites of passage to manhood. It was reintroduced to contemporary society by gay men; they embraced piercing as a profound means for expressing their alternative sexuality. (follow links below to ballpoint pen drawings and graphics -ceramic explication). The ceramic statement is titled a spanner in the works - Operation spanner and refers to the controversial case of Operation Spanner.  
  1. Drawings of pierced rats
  2. Ceramic Explication.

Websites; Body Piercing Jewellery and Piercing studios.
I purchased the body piercing jewellery (image above) from Marisa at Tattoolya; Tattooing and Body piercing studio. She recommended that I visit the website of Wildcat - international supplier of  body piercing jewellery. The site is worth a visit to view the extensive and diverse collection of body piercing jewellery products.   
  • Body Piercing jewellery - Wildcat (international Retailer).
  • Piercing Studios - Tattoolya (Johannesburg South Africa).
  • The Piercing Bible site of Elayne Angel. The definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing. Elayne is the author of the book, titled The Piercing Bible available at Amazon below.
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Book; The piercing Bible – The definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing – Elayne Angel. (myspace link) This book is complete guide to piercing, including; the various types of piercings, body piercing jewellery, the medical procedures (healing times) as well as insight into traditions and practices.
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