Riding High (1984). 210 x 145 x 145 mm. Private collection of the late John Nowers (ceramist and my mentor.)
This series of 5 ceramic works portrays the journey of the soul towards a spiritually pre-ordained destiny. These works draw strongly on Babylonian mythology and spiritual texts referring or alluding to the resurrection and the rapture as mentioned in Revelations in the Christian bible.
Imagery Riding High (image above) all photographs by Jac de Villiers.
This sculpture portrays a woman riding the crest of a wave on an inflatable dolphin. The dolphin, usually symbolic of a saviour and a guide, is paradoxically spotted like a leopard. This dolphin, however, represents a false friend. The woman is portrayed in a moment of self-assurance oblivious to treachery.
Slab constructed and modeled in red and white stone ware clay and porcelain. Painted with stained earthenware slips and underglaze colours and bisquit fired to 900 degrees Celsius. Transparent earthenware glaze (dipped). fired to 1060 degrees Celsius.
Transit of the soul to the Blessed West (1984). 195 x 180 x 155 mm. Private collection.
Transit of the soul to the Blessed West (1984):
With reference made to the story of Jonah and the whale and its connotations of the resurrection, this sculpture represents the embarkation of the soul to the new Jerusalem. The soul awaits 'her' ascension on the back of a whale endowed with the gift of flight, indicated by the substitution of rotor blades for its soul.
Slab constructed and modeled in red and white stone ware clay and porcelain. The base was constructed from red stoneware . Painted with stained earthenware slips and underglaze colours and bisquit fired to 900 degrees Celsius. Transparent earthenware glaze (dipped). fired to 1060 degrees Celsius.
Journey to the underworld secured (1984). 310 x 160 x 145 mm. Private collection.
Journey to the underworld secured (1984). Imagery:
This sculpture portrays the Mortal's endeavour to reach the highest realms of heaven. With aid of an eagle and a pillar of cloud , she soars upwards as the world shrinks below. The eagle is a symbol of mediation between heaven and earth, and the pillar of cloud is an indication of God's guidance to the people of Israel lost in the wilderness.
Slab constructed and modeled in red and white stone ware clay and porcelain. The base was constructed from red stoneware . Painted with stained earthenware slips and underglaze colours and bisquit fired to 900 degrees Celsius. Transparent earthenware glaze (dipped). fired to 1060 degrees Celsius.
Rapture (1984). 355 x 225 x 225 mm. Private collection. Collection Bruce Arnott (professor and mentor)
Rapture (1984):
The woman symbolises the bride of Christ, who is propelled into the heavenly kingdom. The volcano signifies an entrance into Hades, the realm of the dead and damned in the centre of the earth. Hades is where death takes place, prior to rebirth and illumination. The bride rises ecstatically of her own spiritual volition and through the forces of her expulsion from Hades, from which she has been redeemed.
'Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes; he rose a Victor from the dark domain, and He lives for ever with His saints to reign' (Anglican hymn)
Slab constructed and modeled in red and white stone ware clay and porcelain. The base was constructed from red stoneware . Painted with stained earthenware slips and underglaze colours and bisquit fired to 900 degrees Celsius. Transparent earthenware glaze (dipped). fired to 1060 degrees Celsius. Oasis Road (1984) Imagery:
This sculpture portrays the church awaiting the long-expected return of the Messiah. The saints carry their travelling-bags, in the shape of a fish, indicating their predestined journey to resurrection and immortality. They sit on a playground rocking-horse situated in a wasteland. This situation recalls Noah's ark, containing the chosen people who awaited the deluge, God's punishment of s sinful world.
Slab constructed and modeled in red and white stone ware clay and porcelain. The base was constructed from red stoneware . Painted with stained earthenware slips and underglaze colours and bisquit fired to 900 degrees Celsius. Transparent earthenware glaze (dipped). fired to 1060 degrees Celsius.