The self-righteous and the prowler. Slip cast and bisquit fired to 900 Celcius. Painted with Amaco velvet underglaze colours and fired to 1220 Celcius.
The prowler (front view). Slip cast and bisquit fired to 900 Celcius. Painted with Amaco velvet underglaze colours and fired to 1220 Celcius.
The evangelist and the pervert. Slip cast and bisquit fired to 900 Celcius. Painted with Amaco velvet underglaze colours and fired to 1220 Celcius.
active-passive /action-passion. Group of pierced and tattooed rats scheduled for an exhibition, titled Art with a Pulse in England -details to follow.

Slipcast Rats with piercings ready for painting.
Moulds for the piercings below.