Cover Ceramics Art and Perception; Issue 81 Featuring my work
It has taken 24 years for my work to feature in an international magazine, even though I have had numerous articles written about my work in local publications. My work is represented in all the major art galleries in South Africa and in numerous private collections locally and abroad. This can partly be attributed to the cultural boycott, effective during the apartheid era. Another reason is most certainly the impact of my position as dean of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Johannesburg; a term of six years during which I did not produce ceramics actively. I trust the article will provide insight into my ceramic concepts and showcase the diverse styles, techniques and processes of my ceramic sculptures since the start of my ceramic career in 1986.

The article was written by Ingrid Stevens, associate professor and head of Department of Fine and Applied Arts, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa. She has written numerous reviews on my work; covering a number of exhibitions during my ceramic career.The article is published in the latest issue of Ceramics Art and Perception, issue 81 (2010), the only academic accredited research income generating publication.
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